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modal verbs (2)


Modal verbs

Here is an excerpt from the Sillabi grammar sheet dedicated to modal verbs. Click here to view it in full on Sillabi. Im Gegensatz zu den normalen Verben haben die Modalverben keine Endung in der 1. und 3. Person Singular.  Die Modalverben ändern den Vokal des Verbstamms im Singular. z.B. können: ich kann du kannst […]


Modal verbs

“Voglio superare l’esame di italiano. Devo migliorare le mie conoscenze grammaticali. Posso prepararmi con Sillabi.” The verbs at the beginning of each sentence above are modal verbs. Click here to find out more! In Italian verbs such as “volere”, “dovere” and “potere” are called modal verbs. These verbs are called “modal” because they are followed […]

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