French grammar sheets for level B2 are available online! Come and take a look!

According to the CEFR, at the upper intermediate level, the student should be able to “produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options”. To achieve this, the vocabulary must be broad and articulate and the grammar solid and structured. The Sillabi French courses “Et voilà !” are created to take you little by little to cover all levels in all language skills with many and always different exercises. You don’t know what your level is? No problem, the test is free. Then you can choose whether to register and at which level.
In the meantime, as for other languages, also for the B2 level of French, the grammatical contents that you will also find within the courses, are available for free: why not take advantage of it?
Here are some questions for which you can find answers by freely browsing through the grammar sheets.
- “Voici le bateau avec ___ il a traversé la Méditerranée” (en. Here is the boat with which he crossed the Mediterranean Sea). With which composed relative pronoun would you complete the sentence?
- “La voiture a renversé le piéton” (en. The car has run over the pedestrian). How would you transform this sentence with a “passé composé” to the passive form?
Open the sheets “Les pronoms personnels compléments d’object indirect” or “La forme passive” or look for the grammatical topics we have chosen.