Today we move to the A2 level of German! Come and read the Sillabi grammar resources for the elementary level.

The grammatical contents for level A2 offer a revision of the topics of the previous level,
for example:
- can you conjugate the verb machen in the present subjunctive? Ich mache, du … machest or du machst?
- to form the passive, do we use the verb werden or wissen before the past participle?
- how do you turn a direct interrogative sentence into an indirect interrogative sentence? For example Wann kommt er? (When does he come?) becomes Ich weiß nicht, wann er kommt or Ich weiß nicht, wann kommt er (I don’t know when he comes)?
Or let’s take a step back:
- to express a negation, when do we use kein and when do we use nicht?
- Er kommt ohne mich or Er kommt ohne mir? What’s the right pronoun at the end of the sentence?
The level of competence that the CEFR defines as elementary consists in understanding simple sentences concerning “areas of most immediate relevance” (personal information, shopping, asking for directions …). The student is able to “communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters”. (CEFR)
For level A2 try our Sillabi course. If you are not sure about your level, take our free test. If you are mainly interested in grammar, discover the resources available for free on Sillabi.